Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Kindle Self Publishing Success Course - Can you dig it?

I've always  wanted to self publish an e book. Which doesn't make me the least bit unusual I know. Because everybody and their dog is on it. (Come to think of it, maybe a dog DID write some of those books!) But quality notwithstanding,self publishing your ebook to Amazon Kindle seems to be the hottest thing since sliced bread.

And largely because of the perception that it's so easy. The vibe we get from all the publicity is that anyone can do it. I mean look at some of the top self published authors. Amanda Hocking. John Locke. And, we dare not forget E.L. James do we? She of the mega monthly royalties. Ordinary people. Right? Nomindboggling, amazing literary talents. And yet they made it. So why not you?

Well,I think the answer is simple. All these authors who've had Self Publishing Success with Kindle and Beyond have one two things that most folks don't have. Persistence. And the willingness to work hard.

That's that - you say you have both of those qualities? Well then, you should be good to go right? All you need to do is upload your book and wait for the royalties to roll in. Not. A BIG not!

Because success in self publishing a Kindle ebook, like success in anything else, take more than hard work and persistence. It takes the "K" word. Knowledge! Knowledge about the market, the public's taste, and knowledge of your competitors. In a word it takes "Promotion." As Gilbert and Sullivan sagely advised in their play "Ruddigore" - "You must stir it and strump it and blow your own trumpet. or trust me - you haven't a chance."

So what you should do, if you really want to make it, as do what I'm doing: Take a self publishing course that will improve your chances of successfully publishing your ebook.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Forex Trading Systems Secrets

Seems like everyone interested in Forex Currency Trading would love to know the Secrets of Foreign Exchange Trading.

Well - it that's you - GOOD NEWS! There's a FREE REPORT just out that tells you everything you need to know to get up to speed with Forex Trading. Kind of a Forex Trading Tutorial.

And the best part- it's not written in a bunch of financial "gobbley-gook" that would take you ages to figure out and understand.

Just straight simple English that gets right to the point. The Author outlines the History of Forex, the way currency conversions work, and how to Learn Forex Trading without digging into your wallet. Valuable info for sure - don't you think?

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Forex Currency Trading - Easy Work From Home Cash?

Forex Currency Trading - Easy Work From Home Cash? For some people - obviously. Since there are who knows how many gazillion dollars traded everyday on the International Foreign Exchange Market.

But, and it's a big "but" - it's just as obvious the majority of traders who find Forex "easy trading cash" are the ones with the deepest pockets. So - the obvious question -"If you're not a high roller with bucks to burn, can you realistically expect to cut yourself  a piece of the Forex pie?

Since in my last post I talked about Work From Home necessities, I thought it would be interesting to see if we could suss out Forex Trading as a viable home business option.

What I found surfing for info was that in spite of all the strange jargon - "fibonacci", "cashflow quandrant", etc and all the software robots that promise "push button cash" - Forex Currency  Trading is really not that complicated. (And I flunked Math!)

Bottom Line: Best way to get a handle on it, is to join up(for free) with one of those brokers that gives you free(virtual) cash to "learn the ropes." That way you won't have to mortgage the house to get happening with Work From Home Forex.

Go get 'em!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Successfully Working From Home

"WORK FROM HOME" seems to be the constant mantra heard on the internet today. In spite of all the scams, there are still no end of searchers for "WORK AT HOME opportunities."

And while there are legitmate ways you can MAKE MONEY with a HOME BUSINESS, many of those are of the envelope stuffing variety. In other words, too much (boring)work for too little money!

This reality colors of perception of those seeking a WORK FROM HOME situation that will give them a job-replacing income. The reality is that there are no end of jobs that fit that description. Many of them with major companies whose names are household words.

Finding those HOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES just takes an hour or so of internet reseach and some email applications.

But once you've found the perfect job, regardless of what type of work it is, you're doom to fail, unless you make 4 smart (FREE) moves.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012